What is Sucess? Life? Society?

We all are in a hurry to achieve success.For all of us success is the nothing but necessities of life like money house financial security marriage,kids, then worried about kids future.....
We are always in stress ,in pressure situation.
We are in pressure because our last generation doesn't think about the future generations.
So if we want our next generations to have better world.
We must be better role models to impart better things to our young ones.We don't need cricketers,film stars,politicians or religious guru's to your role model, they all became famous because we made them famous.We give our money to let them earn huge wealth.
But against this deed of us they are giving nothing to our society in return. They are just taking and taking from society. A society is where people share things ,it should not be like one way affair.Everyone has to contribute to our society.
We need us to be role model for our next generations.
We need to let them think about good and bad.We need to let them think that education & intelligence is not mathematics,science ,engineering, logic programming.This is just a fraction of education.
