Visualization and Observation
Visualization and Observation
In visualization you neglect side effects or what we doing wrong instead focus on our goals to fulfill which is the first priority for people who are focused.In visualization we often ignore other people,how it gonna affect others.It is more of you and your target and other things around,people etc non-exists.And this is the art of making our-self successful ,goal oriented and to be called oneself an achiever.
It depends on if our mind if its free to think about a goal and then focus on it .We can say is very easily but its not a easy thing.
Since we are in a country where people living a life everyday with so many challenges to survive for basic things like job,food,water,shelter,family etc.In General people's mind just got occupied in these things .
The things you are saying for those who have no worry to think about such basic needs.
Their mind is free to think on this course.
And the people who are looking to be challenge their life to achieve their goals in life are mostly - 1st who left their families aside, 2nd who got support from their parents ,3rd who have no worries about fulfilling basic needs and 4rd who having nothing all the above 3 things still do and get achieve from their will power,hard work and intuition.
PASSION is a passive thing which exists when you don't have any resistance to that when someone got too much resistance from external things or environment the PASSION takes a backseat,their mind needs to be free to think and act about any passion,dream,goal.
Kindness is an act of humanity which doesn't need media or people to highlight their achievement as a Communal service.
Showcasing such good things doesn't give a meaning until inspires other people to do the same.Its only get into picture because other people doesn't think or do such things which looks extraordinary.
Actually people do not want to do anything which doesn't yield something to them and world revolves around such people.
Because we all are so blind to see what is worth what is not.
Animals doesn't have brain to use and visualize what is wrong or right ,they just observes we don't need a logical mind to visualize and thing but can also do things by observing and interpret ,it doesn't stress your mind.
Although Compiler needs a more resources,energy of brain than a interpreter. Why to complex some things to visualize which we can do easily by observing.
In visualization you neglect or ignore side effects,aftermaths,wrong don't's.. instead focus on our goals to fulfill which is the first priority for people who are focused.And this is the art of making ourself successful ,goal oriented and to be called oneself an achiever
People are bussiness or goal oriented but not self learning.
Achievers are opportunists who raise themselves on the stake of others efforts.This is in general terms a protocol followed by everyone around the world to get successful.
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