Negative or Positive perfect or imperfect

Wherever you put your attention, that will start manifesting in your life.
If you put attention on Anger, Anger will Manifest.
If you put attention on Lust, Lust will Manifest.
Focus on Imperfection, Imperfection Manifests.
Focus on Love, Love Manifests.
Observe the intention, and put your Attention on whatever you want to grow in life - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar..

Elaborating this ...

If we keep focus on our imperfections and negativity.We will be paying more attention to understand where we are wrong where we want to improve our lives but only if we want to learn realize and make effort to improve.
Attention on anything negative or positive,will ignite your conscious mind to focus on these.

It will ignite the same negative or positive energy into ourselves...& same energy is responsible for us to guide us in doing and acting in same manner.

A child's mind is free of anything negative or positives,whatever he/she gives attention to ,he/she used to learn & grasp it as it is...

Apart from focusing on good things in life,most important ....we must portray ,show,project good things to people.So that the those who are willing to learn must see only good things from all of us .
Projecting negative,bad things will spoil any free mind...either from Literature,News,T.V Shows,Banners,Movies,Articles,Pictures etc will impact more in current generation.

Let those free brains focus more on good things,positive things productive ,constructive things.
This is our duty for next generation....
