Meditation is what in real ?

 Meditation is what in real ?

Meditation doesn't mean to sit idle and just relax your mind by freeing your mind from various kind thoughts either negative positive.

Meditation can be done by doing a hobby,playing,exercise,Yoga ,some creative work,leisure activity,reading, watching natural beauty,traveling,visiting a beach,playing musical instrument or listen music, draw/paint or anything in which you need not to think or use your brain or body to get stressed.Doing any sort of meditation will relax your brain and nerves,these nerves are connected to whole nervous system of body which ultimately relieve our whole body.

To achieve a state of meditation we need not to force our-self to sit and try to meditate when our body and mind are out somewhere else.

Stressed is basically came when you are doing something & your body is not in a position to allow it to do
