
Showing posts from March, 2018

Human Body is H2O

Our body made up of 60% water ... water means H2O means body organs needs oxygen .While we do work out our body cells needs water & oxygen to expand and grow which are the building blocks of human body . Pumping oxygen into body organs will start pump your muscles and most important this oxygen use to burn the calories used to gain or loose fat/muscles. Once the body cells became active and grows, they need food to store into it to survive otherwise we cant grow muscles. Cardio is equally important for body organs as lifting weight to gain muscles.  Similarly Carbohydrates ,fat ( good cholesterol) is also equally important like protein. For increasing protein absorption in body we all need Vitamin C (Acidic foods) to produces live enzymes in Raw vegs & fruits like Papaya , Pineapple,Kiwi,musk melons,Lemon,Oranges etc

Use of Yoga to body

1.Yoga is nothing but flexing your body's every muscle. For every muscle & every organ their is different Aasan. 2.To understand your body limits flexibility & to stretch it increase our limits. 3.Every muscle in body to remain active with various Aasan's 4.Inhale lots of oxygen & supply it to all organs through blood mixed with oxygen. 5.To increase endurance ,focus, concentrate . 6.Give your mind some peace free it from stress. 7.Proper Blood circulation. 9.Meditation to know about one's mind ,thoughts & actions whether we are doing wrong or right. 10. It is nothing to do with what other person is doing wrong but it helps self realization. Its not necessarily to do Yoga anyone can do play do hobby or enjoy in whatever way. But yoga is a combined package ....Although I didn't do but would like to start. Self Realization is very important ,we gain knowledge from books articles here and there but until we experience we can't figure ou...


Next time someone is rude to you, make sure you do not get upset. Just return a broad smile. If you can digest rudeness, nothing whatsoever can shake you..... Right its all in your head ..whether you want to feel happy or gets annoyed by other person. You are capable of putting a firewall in your head so that no one can breach it or intrude it or you can let anyone enters it play with your thoughts disturb you and go. Ultimately you are the one who gets affected by this virus..If you ignore it good if you forgot is good.If you think that the rude person is foolish or crap you will remain one can make you bad by words its his/her perception

What is Sucess? Life? Society?

We all are in a hurry to achieve success.For all of us success is the nothing but necessities of life like money house financial security marriage,kids, then worried about kids future..... We are always in stress ,in pressure situation. We are in pressure because our last generation doesn't think about the future generations. So if we want our next generations to have better world. We must be better role models to impart better things to our young ones.We don't need cricketers,film stars,politicians or religious guru's to your role model, they all became famous because we made them famous.We give our money to let them earn huge wealth. But against this deed of us they are giving nothing to our society in return. They are just taking and taking from society. A society is where people share things ,it should not be like one way affair.Everyone has to contribute to our society. We need us to be role model for our next generations. We need to let them think about ...

Difference between feeling and emotions..

Feeling is a sort of expression.Emotion is a reflex action. With some sort of feeling we can react or retaliate.With emotion we can just feel but cant express it ,emotions comes out automatically from within.Feelings given by external things. Feelings can be understandable but no one can understand emotions. One can enjoy feelings but one can't enjoy emotions.Mostly emotions can be hurting or let you cry for good or bad reasons. Generally you can have feelings for girlfriend/ wife but emotions for family members. Any comments please ??

Religious belief Vs Humanity

When all religions impart peace ,then why can't we still achieve peace at all. There are flaws in every religion.....all religions at one end teaching the way of life other end they are teaching negativity pushing to impart fear in people's mind.....there is stress in human life from everywhere.....from family friends society religion social status,social security etc. We forgot that first we are human than we are hindu, muslim,sikh,christian, jain north indian south indian east indian ,foreigner..

Brain size Memory Limits : Positive Negative Traits : Role of Habits

We all have equal brain size but memory power is different .We can memorize depend on our brain nerves capability to store information. The brain consumes up to 20% of the energy used by the human body, more than any other organ.The brain mostly uses glucose for energy. This energy supply to brain is a factor responsible for proper brain functioning. Brain is also the center of higher-order thinking, learning and memory, and gives us the power to think, plan, speak, imagine, dream, reason and experience emotions. Just like we stretched out our body to gain muscle strength ,we need to stretched out our brain nerves to let our brain functional well,gain brain strength & let it able to understand the most difficult things. Everyone has the capability to do so but everyone has not .It requires a focus.Everyone has developed different focus areas - some are natural born ,some are said to be retained from past life & some developed in the environment they live. People pro...

Metal Sickness

If someone has hurt you intentionally, you should know that they are sick. What should be your attitude towards someone who is sick? You should be compassionate towards them -- We need to understand that he/she is in bad mood or had an off day. We must not allow their anger to enter your mind to effect your mind so that you also don't react in same manner  as that someone is behaving. We must show compassion ,may be that will help them to change their behavior i.e is positive attitude in a hope that may be out of 10 people 2-3 may gets changed and learn from your negative response to their anger. If someone gives positive response to their anger it will lead to quarrel surely which became ugly to worst in minutes and will be remembered years later on.... Life is not about Newtons 3rd law - to every action their is equal and opposite reaction. When words starts to affect anyone ,he/she might able to control your senses .Why allow anyone to give control of yourself, yo...

Love for God but not for people

If we cant love living beings we can't protect them. If we can't love nature, environment we can't make effort to protect them. We always think the natural resources as object to fed our needs . Problem with all of us we only love our own children ,we don't have or want love for human. Our love for God remain as to show our love we make idols ,pray them show our love this is one perception. Another perception we pretend living being to be mere objects. Its because we don't know the meaning of love is ....we only have affection for things,objects,people etc.

Why we Indian pray to Sun as GOD ?

SUN - Only source of mass energy - God for us to be worship Without sun - no evaporation , no rain. Without Sun - no plants means no oxygen Without Sun - No energy Without Sun - No Coal ,Cude Oil which are made up of living beings,plants . Without Sun - No Light If we are worship SUN then its nothing wrong. Sun is GOD for all of us who is visible . we know that he gives us ample amount of Energy everyday . We all can never survive without him.

Negative or Positive perfect or imperfect

Wherever you put your attention, that will start manifesting in your life. If you put attention on Anger, Anger will Manifest. If you put attention on Lust, Lust will Manifest. Focus on Imperfection, Imperfection Manifests. Focus on Love, Love Manifests. Observe the intention, and put your Attention on whatever you want to grow in life - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.. Elaborating this ... If we keep focus on our imperfections and negativity.We will be paying more attention to understand where we are wrong where we want to improve our lives but only if we want to learn realize and make effort to improve. Attention on anything negative or positive,will ignite your conscious mind to focus on these. It will ignite the same negative or positive energy into ourselves...& same energy is responsible for us to guide us in doing and acting in same manner. A child's mind is free of anything negative or positives,whatever he/she gives attention to ,he/she used to learn & grasp ...

New definition of Spirituality

Its not like understanding ourselves.We can't limit Spirituality definition to ourselves only .It is related to every human being.  Knowing or understanding 'who I am' is the first step because we can understand our-self better than understanding others. We can say Spirituality is understanding of human Soul ,human spirit neglecting & keeping aside the materialistic things or things which can be destroyed by nature.

Meditation is what in real ?

 Meditation is what in real ? Meditation doesn't mean to sit idle and just relax your mind by freeing your mind from various kind thoughts either negative positive. Meditation can be done by doing a hobby,playing,exercise,Yoga ,some creative work,leisure activity,reading, watching natural beauty,traveling,visiting a beach,playing musical instrument or listen music, draw/paint or anything in which you need not to think or use your brain or body to get stressed.Doing any sort of meditation will relax your brain and nerves,these nerves are connected to whole nervous system of body which ultimately relieve our whole body. To achieve a state of meditation we need not to force our-self to sit and try to meditate when our body and mind are out somewhere else. Stressed is basically came when you are doing something & your body is not in a position to allow it to do

How life exists on earth ? Chicken or Egg - who's first? Did God made living beings?

How life exists on earth ? Chicken or Egg - who's first? Did God made living beings? Its a topic of debate for everyone ,instead of investing so much money on research to find the reason or cause of existence which of these comes first. Or if we go by the religious people's through process don't invest our mind or energy in finding the truth - let this put everything on GOD - easiest way to avoid debate on such topics. Its easiest way han! we all are like micro-organisms when compared with huge and vast Universe. Just like for us bacteria,virus are. There are various examples that life and living created on their own -depend on the atmospheric pressure condition 1.Food flies 2.Wheat weevil 3.Worms 4.Spiders 6.Lizards 7.Grass ,weeds 8.New Virus ,Bacteria Many more from where they come.How new varieties of food,animal breads are created by cross pollination artificial insemination etc. Even test tube babies. Man created various crops food in agriculture ,fruits etc ...

Visualization and Observation

Visualization and Observation In visualization you neglect side effects or what we doing wrong instead focus on our goals to fulfill which is the first priority for people who are focused. In visualization we often ignore other people,how it gonna affect others.It is more of you and your target and other things around,people etc non-exists. And this is the art of making our-self successful ,goal oriented and to be called oneself an achiever. It depends on if our mind if its free to think about a goal and then focus on it .We can say is very easily but its not a easy thing. Since we are in a country where people living a life everyday with so many challenges to survive for basic things like job,food,water,shelter,family etc.In General people's mind just got occupied in these things . The things you are saying for those who have no worry to think about such basic needs. Their mind is free to think on this course. And the people who are looking to be challenge their l...

Media - A dark Age menace

Media - A dark Age  Two types of Media are popular - News channel and Social Media (FB,Watsapp,Twitter etc ) We all are even more conscious than we previously are for our health,money,time,lifestyle ,food etc but what all we lack is addiction to TV,News,Debate,Politics,Facebook,watsapp. Social Media - Initially these are created for us to utilize our free time or to remain connected to our friends when we had time but now things became more complicated and we addicted to these stressing our eyes,our life more. Not denying the fact that we can be updated for latest news,events etc but the problem is we are spoiling our health not giving much time to ourselves our family friends children in person. We all complain about not having time. Its the social media which makes us more lazy, more used to it ,more time consuming and a very stressful. Earlier when we used to addicted to Laptops we feel stressful but now the mobile screens are too small to give our-self more stress...